Getting a Colorado MMJ Card
Your resource for all things Colorado Medical Cannabis Cards.
Who can get a
MMJ Card
1. To apply for a Medical Marijuana Card in Colorado, you must be a legal resident of Colorado.
2. Patients must be aged 21 or over in order to apply for a medical marijuana card for themselves. Minors can have caregivers/legal guardians apply on their behalf.
3. The Colorado Department of Health and Education (CDPHE) requires that all MMJ Card holders have a qualifying condition:
A chronic or debilitating disease or medical condition
Multiple Sclerosis
Persistent muscle spasms
Severe nausea
Severe pain
Opioid Replacement Therapy
4. The CDPHE requires that all applicants for MMJ Cards receive a Physician Certification from a licensed medical physician.
After your appointment our doctors will electronically submit your Provider Certification to the State of Colorado MMJ Registry. After your PC is submitted, you can then apply online with the State of Colorado MMJ Registry for your MMJ Card.

Benefits of having a MMJ Card
Aside from the obvious benefit of learning how to use this amazing medicine in a way that is tailored just for you, there are a number of other benefits.

Posession Limits
As an MMJ Card holder in Colorado, you are permitted to possess per day:
Up to 2 oz of medical marijuana
8 grams of concentrate, or
20,000mg of marijuana products
While Recreational cannabis use is legal in Colorado, recreational users can only possess up to 1 oz of marijuana (half as much as medical patients can carry).

Medical Cannabis Savings
Recreational Marijuana Taxes in Colorado are 15% or more.
Whereas Medical Marijuana Taxes for MMJ Card holders are only
2.9%. That's a savings of almost 13% which can save you hundreds to thousands of dollars per year in tax savings alone!

Grow Your Own
MMJ Card holders can grow more than 6 plants, with no more than three 3 of the plants in the flowering phase.
Cultivating caregivers are determined by your local municipality so we recommend you contact them directly to confirm how many cannabis plants you can grow at once.