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Discounted Appt Industry & SSDI, Boulder

With Dr. Lisa Rittel located at our office at Boulder Whole Health. For new and renewal patients.

30 min
135 US dollars
Holos Health (at Whole Health Collective)


This appointment is for those on Social Security Disability (SSDI), or for those who are Medical Marijuana Industry employees who have an Active Marijuana Employee License (Badge). In order to book this appointment, you MUST email us your SSDI letter, or your Medical Marijuana Employee Badge to avoid an additional $50 fee. For Medical Marijuana Employee Badge Holders, you can check your status here: Please email documents to: Thank you, we look forward to helping!

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please reschedule or contact us 24 hours in advance. While we understand situations arise, we value your time, the doctor's time, and those waiting to see the doctor. As such, No-Show Appointments are not eligible for a refund and/or will be assessed a $50 fee. Rescheduled appointments that are rescheduled on the day of an appointment will be assessed a $50 fee. If you are late for your appointment, we will do our best to accommodate your needs with the remaining time left in your appointment, but can not guarantee that we can see you for your full appointment time.

Contact Details

  • 5377 Manhattan Circle ste 204, Boulder, CO, USA


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